Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

July 04, 2005

Ear worms.

Does anyone remember Scandalus? They were the second popstars group, they had some minor success with there first single to make the show look good, but after that they sunk without a trace. Essentially that's because they were terrible. The last thing I heard from them was there appearance on John Saffron's Music jamboree when they sung "there is power in the union" to stand up for popstars rights. I have there first single, the unbelievably bad, me myself and I stuck in my head and it's driving me CRAZY! It's a terrible song, worse then the crap they give them for Idol. ARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. Damn you Scandalus and the corporation that owns you! On a totally unrelated note, I watched Live 8 last night and it was pretty good. I hope it does something, but I cynically believe that it was a great show but will change nothing. I also watched a doco on SBS where they built one of Da Vinci's flying machines and it worked. Did anyone else see that? How many l's are there in else? To conclude, Scanadlus are pawns of a heartless television empire that drained them dry and left them to die on the battlefield, Live 8 is good music but wont save the world, Da Vinci was smart, I can't spell else.


At 12:45 pm, Blogger Zebe said...

omg its sad i DO remember them. they wer so baaaaaaaddd!!! i didnt watch live8 tho... BUSTER IS BUSTED. im in mourning. not realy considering he was a crash test dummy. but stil...

*sniff, sniff*

At 7:54 pm, Blogger iggi said...

Scotty can fix him. I hope.


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