Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

May 24, 2006


I have exams in a week and a half. I have something like ten SACs to do before then. I'm screwed. I want to study so I'll do well but I have to do these fucking SACs! I'm ready to shoot somebody, probebly the person who wrote the curiculem. This is also my infrequent post excuse, every free moment I've had between school, homework, study, sleep and the preparetion and cesumption of food I have NOT wanted to spend looking at a screen. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGHHH! VCE stress mega time! In tuter group today I realised I had a SAC due next period that I hadn't started. I don't think I've ever worked so fast through recess, and as a result the quality of the assignment is low to nill. Luckly it's just a prac report. Still, I'm fucking screwed. That's all I can write, I have homework to do. (help)

May 11, 2006


Does anyone know anything about digestive enzymes in the mouth? No I'm sorry i mean the primary function of the mouth and mechanical and chemical digestion? I know some junk but I have a feeling that i don't know enough for this presentation I gotta do on Monday. Now, I know it's been a wile since I posted last. Those evil rabits have been stearing out from the land of Davie's lounge for some time. This is because I need to do school work to keep from failing VCE, which we all know will meen the end of the world as we know it. Everything hinges on enter scores, it's simple physics. But right now I've gotta think about simple Biology, coz that's the class i'm in. Have you ever eaten toungue? One of my class mates thinks that is really funny. And something about 16 year old Japanease chool girls and 40 year old perverts. Now THAT is simple biology. I wish i hadn't have gone there. Now I'll never go back. Once you go black... I need to do more work now.