Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

September 11, 2006

Here come the debutante

Saturday was my deb ball. IT WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY FUN! Like completely amazingly fun. All the girls looked a million dollars and all the boys looked mighty fine. I went all out. You just have to for a deb ball. There are only a few occations in a girls life where she gets to go al out with the white dress and everything and I was not going to miss this one in case I never get married. The dancing went pretty good. I remembered all the cues, (important when your first) and we went through the carousel and the slow-rhythm-fox-trot and the jive without much of a hitch. The cha cha wasn't so good but nobody minded. The night was magic, really, and the kind of magic that was real, not a technicality blur. I am so glad I did it. I actually think that I looked genuinely good, a very rare occurrence for me.

Now, the after party. Despite what you may here from other people, I wasn't that drunk. Okay maybe I was, but I didn't pass out. And I only though up three or four times. It wasn't so much that I drank a lot, just that I did it all in the space of about half an hour. Apparently I gave a big speech about why the chicken crossed the road, and I have some vague memories of this but that's about all. I didn't pick up anyone, but a few other people I could mention did. Dan has photos, she's spreading them around.

My photos (of a different sought to Dan's) are coming.


At 12:33 pm, Blogger Zebe said...

ahah and having 3 PANADOL BEFORE YOU STARTED DRINKING was a baaaaad idea too!

loll xoxo

At 6:12 pm, Blogger HoneyBee said...

mm.. all the photos i've seen you looked so pretty.

At 11:36 pm, Blogger Brie said...

genuinely good? you've got to be kidding igi... you looked absolutely gorgeous! i wanted to steal your hair... and your dress...

At 1:58 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I want to see photos!

At 6:06 pm, Blogger Zebe said...

..you havnt updated in about 3 months.


At 12:12 am, Blogger Brie said...


At 12:10 pm, Blogger HoneyBee said...

what they said! =P
Yay for lazy and unoriginal!

At 10:14 pm, Blogger Brie said...

poooooooossssssst *much complaining*

heheh wgodaw...


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