Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

June 07, 2006


Thank God I have not been. A GAT is a fickle beast, but where ye love 'er or hate 'er, she must be done. And when finnished, ye will find yourself GATted, GATted and disarmed, unshillded from the harsh light of unit 3.

Unit three, I give to thee;
A quite unpleasent choice.
Either see the blues,of one and two;
Amd slowly find your vioce.
Or jump right in, the depths and swim;
Right through the tironry.
And fight the premtive battle;
That is unit three.
Unit four, do you ask for more?
We're in the thick of things now.
When crunch time comes, can you do the sums,
Do you even remember how?
VCE, The place to be,
When the time is ny;
When we screem as we remember,
These are the best years of our lives.

fuckfuckfuckfcuk fuckfuckfuckfcuk fuckfuckfuckfcuk fuckfuckfuckfcuk fuckfuckfuckfcuk hay look its a tree!
I am unbelievably glad I'm not doing a Unit 3. Unit one's bad enough without it actially meening something. I'm in the very commen situation of wanting a +90 but I don't feeeeel like studying. So I try to ignore the fack that I had two exams yesterday have two tomorow one the day after and another next week in the hope it will go away. This kind of presure does things to people. Like makes them write strange almost rhyming poems about VCE. Oh, that poem that I wrote in under a minute comes so very close to makeing some sembenalance of sence it's almost tragic. As is the fact that I'm this close to killing whoever designed the education system with a rolled up GAT. I'll general achieve you!


At 2:35 pm, Blogger HoneyBee said...

Hahaha oh the GAT is really easy and boring. Unit 3 subjects are not that bad. Just waiting for the exam is scary! Go the poem! The system is really not that bad. Exams are annoying but you do them then they are DONE! end of story the rest does not matter. Y11 you just have to pass. if you dont get the marks you want in y12 there are back doors!Dont stress it is all GOOD. =)
(says me who was stressing start of the week!)

At 11:55 am, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

The GAT is evil. Not coz it's hard, coz it realyl isn't, but it's so boring and has bearing on your marks at all, so it's mostly a waste of time, but it is good exam practice if nothing else.


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