Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

June 30, 2005

feeling low

Do you ever just get really low for no reason? When you just sink down to a puddle on the floor and feel cold and frumpy and horrible with no contangable stimuli? I'm a bit like that now, I'm fucking useless and fucking ugly and fucking dumb and I can't fucking think of any fucking words to fucking use except for fucking fuck. This blog is fucking boring and I can't fucking use it properly and I'm to fucking lazy to do anything about it. What I really want to do right now is just get out of here and run as fast as I can until I can't any more but it's cold and it's raining and it's dark and all of those stupid reasons that add up to it being dangourouse. What the fuck spelling is that? Dangerous, that's more like it. I think I'll add a totally irrelevant picture for no reason. Have fun on planet pancake.

June 28, 2005

another day in Jill Land

Now that my blog is created I face the problem incounted by so many before me. I really don't have a very interesting life. Okay. What to write? I'm listening to Silverchair right now. I love Silverchair and even though I understand and respect there reasons for breaking up I still wish they haddent. I'm working on two computors at once right now. My desktop because it has internet connection and my laptop because it has all my music (987 tracks @ last count) on it. I brought 2 new CDs today, so I now have more music. I got Evermore and Franz Ferdinand. I could live on music but my dietishien tells me that I need food as well. Low GI food actually. Something about keeping my blood suger constant so I don't get really dizzy and start running into things and falling over. That nearlly happened in Myre today. I have a theory that they put something in their air condisioners that makes people light headed and therefor more likely to buy things. It's as good a conspirecy theory as any. They might just be able to do it to, I mean it's not like it's forbidden in our Bill Of Rights. We should have a Bill Of Rights. Sure we don't actually need one right now, but who knows what tommorow might bring. Heres another conspirecy theory: John Howard is a robot controled by someone in America. Alexander Downer is also a robot that's being controled by a five year old. That's probebly enough for today, see ya 'round.

June 27, 2005

Giveing in.

Well it's finally happened. I have sucome to the pressure and created a blog, so I might share my bad spelling with the world. I am hopeing this will become better and more interesting once I discover what all the buttons do.