Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

April 08, 2006

Just a little bit nervouse

An insident has occured at school. Because it has to do with placeing unsutable material on the internet, I'm just a little bit scared about writting about it here. So I'll disclaim it first.

Disclaimer: I, the secret identity behind Jill Davies, does not in anyway support, indourse or agree with the ideas and claims made by the subject students on the subject website about S.t P.auls A.nglican G.rammer S.chool. The school acted responsably and sutably and I have the fullest respect for all staff members involved.

That should do. Anyway, a kid in my year level was required to hand back their enrolements (expelled) last week. Another kid in year 9 was maybe expelled or maybe just suspended we don't really know. These boy's cyber-crime was to make severail claims and allagations against the school several members of staff a fiew students and in particular the school chapplen on an internet phony insiclopedia. Many of these claims were of a sexual nature. No body has seen these former students since the school became awear of this text. The principle gave us a very stern lecture at assembally about it. He didn't name names but we all knew by that stage. Rumers are rampent as to the exact contents of this entry, and the IT students are doing there upmost to find a copy of it, even though IT services at schoold put changed the entry so that it now says possative stuff about S.t P.auls. I have never seen the Rev look so pissed. He was mad, with good reason. Thing is, we all know this kid. I play hockey against him. Now he's been expelled. Shit. We're all shocked that he was so stupid as to get cought.


At 11:52 am, Blogger Zebe said...

aha, the yr 9 guys g/f has a copy of it.shes gona send it to kathryn, she'll sned it to nic, nic sends to us.

At 1:25 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Not that smartest thing to do. I'm not sure what people who do that sort of thing are thinking. What do they hope to acheive by it? It's not a funny prank, because it has serious reprecussions, whether it's for them, or for others. What a stupid thing to do.

At 6:21 pm, Blogger HoneyBee said...

mmm i don't think ive said too much against people at the school other than i'm sick of them but what they did was just stupid!

At 7:27 pm, Blogger Brie said...

yeah, and actually using real names etc and a popular website was even stupider. if you don't like a teacher then fine, go rant about it somewhere less obvious and call them something insulting, twas silly

At 8:07 am, Blogger Martin Boutros said...

The thing is, Aimless and Jill, when a minor in the care of an adult - such as a student relative to a teacher - claims that physical or sexual abuse has happened; then even if the organisation doesn't feel there's anything to it then they STILL have to, by law follow through on all sorts of legal stuff. It get's really serious really quickly! And remember, that sexual abuse includes any sexual relationship between an adult and minor - not just wierd stuff.

Adults with duty of care have to report any seriously suspected abuse to the authorities. It gets heavy!

And if the kid ends up being found to lied or imagined it - the adult teacher and school can still end up with a dodgy reputation because of goss and rumours that keep on ciculating etc.

That means schools (or youth organisations) get hyper-cheesed off if they discover someone's been stuffing around with made up stories...

Make sure your friends understand that the Rev ( what's he doing stealing MY name??) had no option but to get really heavy with all concerned.

Much better to stick to more traditional grumbling and cursing about the &@$#! staff!

At 8:11 am, Blogger Martin Boutros said...

Aimless, just a thought, why not edit this post to remove the school's actual name? Too easy to track it back via google (like I judst did!). Might be better!

; )


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