Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

August 09, 2005

Odd meetings

I had a strange experiance yesterday. During Tutor group, the YLC Mr Icepolestick came in and told a group of people, me included that we needed to come to a very omportante meeting at recess. Noboddy knew what it was about, and noboddy would tell us. I went to the meeting, nobody in the room had anything in common so you couldn't guess what it was all about. Mr Icepolestick told us that we were the "chosern ones", the elite group selected to be the school's nomanees for a scoloship program in the US. My first thoughts of course were, "what the fuck am I doing here?" but I'm not going to say no to a fucking scholoship, evern the remote chance of getting one. Catch is, the year of school in America meens absulutly zip in terms of my VCE, so if I did get "chossern" I would come back to Australia after a year and have to repeat year 11. Eather that or drop out of school. What do you think I should do?


At 5:13 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Wow! That's heaps full on! I have no idea what kind of advice to give. It has to be your decision. On one hand, repeating is sucky, but the experience you'd get from going overseas for a year would be invaluable. It can be a scarey thing to go overseas for school. I went on an exchange program for 3 months and that was a long time for me, but it wasn't to an English speaking country, so that's different. I think it's an incredible opportunity. But it depends what you would be going for. What would you want to get out of it? Do you feel like you're in a place where it would be a worthwhile thing for you to do? It's a big decision. Sorry if I wasn't much help!

At 5:26 pm, Blogger Zebe said...

um.. i rekon id miss u heeepess and heepees but itd be awsum. depending on wich subjects u choose tyhey could go toward yr 11 credits and if you get enuf u wudnt hav to redo yr 11. even if u did hav 2 redo yr 11 tho, u hav mates in that year. i relli dont know tho.............. probly best NOT to lisen to me though...

At 5:28 pm, Blogger HoneyBee said...

America would b cool 2 go 2. I like traveling! U'd b with the crazy year 9's u could live with that couldn't u?

At 6:24 pm, Blogger Man said...

Hello I'm American come to this country and learn with your better education you may qualify for one of 20,000 scholarships to a grand American college. Or you go back repeat a year and say to your friends at least I was in America when Tom Cruise killed that lady. It can happen.

At 2:04 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I know a girl from Germany who went on exchange to Germany too. Can't remember where though... her name was Pia.


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