Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

December 24, 2005

Christmas eve

'Well, it's Christmas time, and there's no need to fear... '
As a great man ones said. Now, is it just me, or is Christmas less commercial this year? It might just be me, coz there doesn't seem to be a particular abundance of love and compassion for the fellow man or any other such Christmas spirits. In less the Christmas Spirit is some kind of Alcohol. Anyway. My Christmas presents are all brought and wrapped, and placed nicely under the tree. Santa isn't coming this year, he's been coming less and less each year since we all got old enough to realize that the modern day image of Santa Clause was commissioned by Coca-Cola. It kind of ruins the effect once you learn that he wears red and white for marketing reasons. This is a fine way to conduct a Christmas eve blog post isn't it? But then, the year is almost over, and I need to fill the quota of cynicism and sarcasm that I referred to in my user profile. I am dreadfully afraid that I haven't lived up to it. I couldn't take the shame of that.

My yellow cockoteal, Festival, has lain an egg. I'm mentally calling it eggy. We're pretty sure it's not fertalised, becuase my other cockoteal, Perl, is strongly suspected of being homosexual. If indead it is possable for a bird to be so. She's kind of sitting on it in the corner of the cage and not letting anyone near it. I'll probebly take it out after a few days. It's her first egg and she doesn't seem to know how to take care of it.

To all of my friends from the real world and from cyberspace that visit this way station on the information superhighway, I wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year. If you christmas doesn't meet your minimum standed of merryness, I poscribe liquer in large quontaties. From Davie's Lounge, 'Let them know it's christmas time'.

December 16, 2005

Never fear

well, I'm back. It has been a while since I last posted hasn't it? I've been in Lakes Entrance for a bit, but I'm pretty sure I posted before I left. No, wait, when I think about it, I think I dreamed that. I must have. I was on some sort of space station, with a machanical boar, and the royal family... never mind. Any way. Back to what's actually real. Greenday's ToMoRoW!!!!!. (o's arn't important enough to have capitals). Let's cheer. GREENDAY, GREENDAY, GREENDAY, GREENDAY, GREENDAY! YAY! I excited. only this many *holds up one fingure*.
Right, other stuff. My darling sister world peace got her all important ENTER score the other day, a very impressive 94. We are all very proud of her. *wipes away tear*.
I went to a party yesterday, Crazzyness' and Man's. It was good. Only one person went into the dam even though it was right near the house and at the bottome of a steep hill which people liked to roll down. One of Crazzyness' friends didn't seem to grasp the consept of sarcasm. We had a few strange confersations.
Basicly I'm tired. I had two hours of very light sleep last night. So, I'll leave by saying, GREENDAY!, don't eat the fish, and it isn't a good sign when you start dreeming about blogging.