Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

March 23, 2006

Let the games begin!

Yes I know that the games have already started, It's not my fault the impasient thing didn't wait for my signal.
My sister is absolutely loving watching the Commenwealth Games. It's exactly the kind of sport that she loves, with her chosen team winning left right and center with no real competition and leaving everyone else in there dust. Go Aussy Go. I think that it gets a bit tireing after a while. Especially seing as it's only the Commenwealth Games. The only sport which these Games really means anything in is Lawn Bolls. (which is actually a really exciteing sport). I mean, it's great for the induvidual athletes and all, a shinny medal is a shiny medal after all, But the hole thing is rediculious. So is the medal tally. At least now with the pool closed and the track in full swing it will even out a little. Australia isn't as good at track, but in these games she's good at everything. Or at least that's what the good people at channel 9 would have us think. Even with Thorpy fully sic.(He he... I would like to thank Rove for that one. Don't worry Thorpy we all love you).

These Games have made everything insane. We've branded the city a no go zone intill the're over. I shudder to think what something like this would be like with a less stable public transport system. I'm willing to forgive the trams all there hook turns and there mal-functioning ticket machines and there DINGDINGDINGDING at a time like this. One good thing about the Melbourne 2006 Commenwealth Games is that I now know beyond a shred of doubt the REAL reason why Australia hasn't broken her symbolic bonds with Mother England. While part of the 'Great and Bountiful British Empire', we can still kick the crap out of our collonial overlords at sport.
That will always be worth something.

March 10, 2006

on holiday

Hi, how are you all? Good? No knew dramas? That's good, now I can give my excuse for not posting for ages. My dog ate it. Then it sent it's spirit out and it took over me and made me see birds on rafters.

Now that's quite enough of that thank you. Please ignore her, I'm sure she has a perfectly legitamate reason for not posting for over a week. Now let's hear it missy.

No really, that's the best i've got. I'm sorry that I can't do better, it must be the stress of VCE.

Well that'll be it then. You've got to much Biology homework. Your teacher should be ashamed of himself setting so much work.

Yes he should. And you know what you've gotta do don't you? You gotta burn his house down.

No don't do it, you'll get into ever so much trouble.

What, scared are we?

NO! absolutly not. I'm not scared of anything.


No! I'll have none of your tricks Saten!

I'm not Saten, you are!

No Luke, I am your father.


Okay I'm going to sign out now before this gets any stranger.