Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

February 21, 2006


This is a first for the year, the very first time in 2006 that I'm posting during class when I'm suppost to be doing internet based resurch. In this case I'm meant to be learning about quadradics, and I'm justifying not doing quadradics by saying I already know how to do quadradics. See:

x^2 + 6x - 7

(x + 7)(x - 1)

Easy right? No problems then? I can keep bloging. according to the html bar thing, this is blog no. 13,979,385. Now, for three marks, what are the factors of that no.? Don't know? Can't be bothered working it out? Not even 2795877 x 5? Your pathetic you know that? Okay I'll stop that now.
Year 11 is deffinately harder then year 10. There's a lot more homework, and a lot less time for idel exercises such as blogging, though if we get one started in Lit blogging will become homework. I hope so. Right now though we're just doing stuff on The Cruciable. Good Book. In case you haven't noticed I haven't got much to write. Oh, I just thought of something.
I got my level two first aid citificat. I'm hopeing that it won't do anything more then look good on my resume, and that nobody collapses where only I can revive them. There's a big step bettween theory and practice. I should probebly get some maths done. Bie!

Another irelevent picture.

February 12, 2006


Yes that's right. It is the weekend after all. Best time of the week. And this is the theoretical best time of the year for the township of Drouin, being the time of the annual Fiscofolia Festival. There's a spelling challenge for you. I didn't go to the F____ Festival street parade this year. I figure, it sucked last year and it'll suck next year to, so I can see it next year without missing a beat. I did however enter my mammoth Teapot into the CWA show in the "daughter of a member" section. (these things look good on scholoship applications I'm told). It didn't win, it was beaten by a fishing rod. I find that very funny.

Today I went and did a First Aid course with my hockey club. I learnt many things. Among then was how to make a variety of slings, how to deal with concussions and other such injuries, how to treat snakebite, how to do resuscitation, and that learning all these things is made a lot better when you happen to be partnered with an attractive member of the opposite sex. I'm sure you'll all agree. On that note, I bid the farewell.

February 07, 2006

I've been, waiting a long time, for this....

Yes I'm back. I haven't died.

We're all back at school, returned to another year, a new locker, some people that I like and more that I don't and a new pasteral care systim that makes me feel like a sheep. Still, can't complain. It's actually been pretty good so far. I'm no longer doing any subjects that I don't like, even Maths I quite enjoy. Plus this year we're actually deemed important enough to get a comman room.
It was my darling wondiful sister's 18th birthday on Sunday. 18 is a big number in this society, it being the age where apon your opinions officially matter, whether anyone wants to hear them or not. So let's all sing happy birthday to World Peace. I do love you sister, no matter how it seems when things get dark.

This picture isn't relevent to anything, it's just a test.