Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

September 19, 2005

I can't be bothered thinking up a title

Okay, first is news. My little sister broke her arm. Really badly. I don't know the details coz I'm not a boneoligest, (I am quite aware that that isn't a real word.) But it's her upper arm and she's counting down time between when she can have painkillers. Don't you hate it when your normally impeccable grammar fails you? Did that even make any sense? Does anything make sense? Am I just typing crap? Fuck is my brain ever dead today. Right, moving on, lets talk about the NZ election. Last I hearth, Helen Clark won but not by much. Something to the effect of 1%. And they are still counting the last of the votes. Tense. With things so tight forming alliances is going to be tough, there is a chance the government will collapse, which would be bad coz I have a lot of respect for the NZ parliamentary system, considering it to be if not the best in the world then close to. The Maori party gained four seats. That's probably enough of that.

I have received requests for more information about my play. Okay hear goes. For amateur and underage playwrites and there acting companions there is basically one way to get a production to happen, and this is through programs which sponsor them that come with colored booklets with words like "encourage" all over them. They generally have really lame names to, this one is called "expressions", and come with "guidelines". Guidelines is another word for "do this or get the hell out." The guidelines that I have ever so nicely stuck to are thus: It must be only one act long, so they can stick more then one play in on one night. It must involve in some way, a banana, an old sock, a character called spike, and the fraze "It's hard to get good help these days" There are also hidden rules which I have found out about the hard way in previous years, such as: No witchcraft, no incense, no pentergrams, no candles, no chanting, no ghosts making contact with the living, in fact, no seonses at all. I actually have no idea how to get tickets, I'm going to have to find out. They're probably going to sell from the gate, it's not like there's going to be a sell out. It's at the Warragul arts center, Warragul can be found in most reputable melways, it's about 100km east of Melbourne.


At 11:59 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I love spas...
Anyway, I'll come and see your play if you an find out some more details on how to get tickets and how much they are. How exciting! I might get to meet some crazy people from the blogging world!

At 9:36 pm, Blogger HoneyBee said...

How did she brake her arm?
Are u comeing to Battle of the bands on saturday? i'm draging alond Cray-z and Man, i hope i should probaley ring them.
i'll come see your pay 2. or try to.
How dodgy was the whole no saunce or however you spell it thing.

At 11:00 am, Blogger iggi said...

I'm going to get rid of that spam

At 12:03 pm, Blogger Zebe said...

yeah, that culd do it! lol. sleep is good.
soz guys, wont b at battle. cant get there/back. :(

At 12:05 pm, Blogger iggi said...

To bad. Does anyone have a grandfinal tip?

At 11:23 am, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I tipped teh swans. GO ME!

At 2:04 pm, Blogger SKRAP WRAP said...

ok isnt a boneologist something else isnt it a paediologist or somefin and wat is this visit me as well!!!!!!!


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