Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

September 06, 2005

Subject selection

Sob! I had to drop ceramics.
It's VCE subject selection time, and time for my major delemer. My problem is that I want to do so many subjects that I can't possibly fit them all. I eventually managed to get the units down to 12, but it meant some tough decisions. I'm not going to do art in year 12, I can only do one unit next year and need to drop it completely after that. That really sucks coz I really love art. I can't do psychology either, which I really wont to but don't have room. I'm really into all that stuff, but I don't wont to have to drop another arts subject. I'm keeping Visual Communication and Design, (or "Graphics" as more boring people call it) but my insecurities makes me worry about that one to, along the lines of "why the fuck am I doing that when I completely suck at it" VisCom is one of those subjects where you can get all A's but still be terrible at it. I'm doing chemistry and Biology, good old science. I should probably do bio units 3 and 4 instead of 1 and 2 I know. But world peace did that so I can't. I also wanted to do two Mathses, (do you know what the plural for maths is?) but I again I don't have room and it would be of no use for me anyway except that I like maths. (really). 1 unit of regular English and one of literatures to top it off. I wanted to do two units of both, but I wanted to do a lot of things that I didn't. Then of course there's Ethics. ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH. If I didn't have to do ethics then I could do art. Mean tokanisticly Christian school. I quite like all those God study subjects, but I like art more. The future is heading in like a high speed train, and every aspect of this school system is designed to make it hard. Well, at least I can drop commerce.


At 2:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Glad I stopped by (actually by mistake)! Wanted to post something. But, I couldn't think of anything relevant at this time. Maybewhen I return.
If you want to check out my site, it has to do with pop up. Basically, I put together a course to provide proven, profitable maketing for pop up on the Internet.

At 1:30 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I'm sure you'll love all those eubjects. I remember it was a hard decision trying to pick which subjects you'll do. I did Psych, English, German, Human Development, Literature and Maths Methods. Fun times. :)

At 9:24 pm, Blogger Zebe said...

im doin. psyc, eng, methods,chem, health 2, bio 2, ethics 2, and textiles 2

At 5:55 pm, Blogger iggi said...

I see that I am now recieveing bloger spam. I guess it was bound to happen some time.

At 7:22 pm, Blogger Brie said...

wow...go peebody...i didn't know it was possible...maybe our GRAPHICS (VCD takes too long! That doesn't mean I'm boring! I think I'll go have a cry...) teacher is just an easy marker...
anyways, the plural of maths is maths'
and you're really good at graphics...so confused...

At 9:36 am, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I suck at art! I didn't take any arty subjects. I did music in year 11, but I had a bad teacher who stuffed me aroudn so I dropped it in year 12. I think people who can do arty stuff are amazing! It's once thing to be academic, but it's another to acess the creative part of your brain and create something new, music, ceramics, painting or otherwise. Yay for art! Perhaps I appreciate it so much because I can't do it at all! :)


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