Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

October 05, 2005

it's me again

Well when you think about it, who else would it be? But hell I'm not goo with titles. Anyway, I've got ticket information about my play, The Joe Christiensen Experioment. Tickets cost $8 each. It's the people in the plays responsability to sell them apparently. I think the exec. producer (aka, Shaw) will give me some to distribute soon, I personly think it would be easyest to cell them @ the door, and I'll try to arange that. (after all, it's not like our wittle amature production is going to sell out.) Some internet people have said they want to come, if your still interested any ideas on how I can get the tickets to you? I have the final date, Wendsay the 26th of October. Though judging by todays rehersal I don't know if we'll be ready. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that 4 weeks is a long time, it isn't. arrrrrrrgggggghhhhh.
Well, anyway, back @ school. The schools pretty somber right now, as it tends to be after a teacher has died. I've got an orral tomorow. I've written it so it's all good. We're starting archeteture in VisComm. I predict I will crash and burn on this one. Theretically I should be good @ this kind of stuff, coz I have a maths brain and like designing stuff, but everything I come up with looks really ugly. Wo is me, I am not going to be an archetect. I somehow don't think I'll become a great play write eather.


At 10:33 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

You need to have more faith in yourself! I'm excited about your play. I definately want to come!

At 10:53 am, Blogger Brie said...

yay! your play! heheheh... me and crazyness are making props or the prop more like...

At 3:51 pm, Blogger Zebe said...

jill, you may jnot be the best playwright but dammit i LOVE UR STAGENOTES!!!

At 8:18 pm, Blogger Brie said...

stagenotes? explain!
The plays at the Warragul theatre-y thing-y that I don't know the name of...
sorry, the 'Warragul Arts Centre', I was close...

At 11:18 am, Blogger iggi said...

the west gipsland arts center actually

At 2:29 pm, Blogger Brie said...

whatever, you said warragul in a previous post...

At 1:34 pm, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

I'll see if I can get a bunch of us from this area to come!

At 4:52 pm, Blogger HoneyBee said...

Yay, u could b a great/famous architect one day! its more likely u'll be a famous director of many great movies though!

At 5:11 pm, Blogger iggi said...

We can only hope

At 6:32 pm, Blogger Brie said...

yay! and then i'm doing one of your commentaries! :P

At 6:12 pm, Blogger iggi said...

Anything you say


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