Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

November 17, 2005

Study hall.

There is a place where people go, with exams around the corner but not at present. In that place some people despirately poor through notes, some poeple muck about, some people play solitare and inbark on private projects, some just talk, some do practice tests or talk to there teachers, and others, the most foolish ones, go blogging. The dammed call this place study hall, curse it's vial name. The stink of studying and not studying students is thick in the air, and the sun shines seldom. Actually, I lie, the sun is just as brite here as it is anywhere ellse. And I can't actually smell anything. But the metaphore remains! Most of the people in this room are wearing headphones, locked up in there own little musical world. I know I am. I'm listening right now to a playlist made of the Red Hot Chilly Peppers and NIRVANA. They work together supriseingly well. Two old reliables. I had three exams yesterday. Chemestry first, English middle and Biology last. The only thing I know about the chemestry exam is that I had enough time after I finnished to draw a cartoon on the back. I also know that my teacher really like the cartoon and photocopyed it and gave one to all the science teachers that share her staffroom. I'm hopeing to get bonus marks for that. I can't remember a word I wrote on my English exam. I didn't get time to finnish. Bad sign. For the Biology one, I don't like to use the fraze "dead easy" to describe an exam I haven't got the results for. I could still have failed it. still, finnishing a 90 min exam with 45 minutes to spare can't be bad. I've still got three to go so, SHIT. Still, what can you do. That's probebly enough.


At 3:28 pm, Blogger Brie said...

silly english exams, i think they're the hardest and i usually do well at english...
I'm sure you'll do fine in your other exams igi! and dead easy is a good way to describe the biology exam, im sure you'll do well for that one too.
I'd just like to point out that i wasn't listening to music, i was being shot at with a connecters gun... we're a mature lot aren't we?


At 9:42 am, Blogger Ludicrousity said...

Actually I used to like English exams the most. There are no wrong answers. its' about how you present them. Cant' say I ever liked Chemistry, but I didn't mind biology when I did it, not that I did it past year 10. Hope the other 3 are ok!


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