Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

October 29, 2005

Saturday, bloody Saturday.

I just don't have a good affiliation with titles OK. The world would be a better place without them frankly. Anyway, back to the life of yourse truely that is the subject of this very interesting blog. Yesterday I went out to diner with my family to selabrate my 16th birthday. Little late but never mind. I had some very nice Morocan Chicken with citrus dressing and some very nice white wine which i think I scared my family with. Se, aparently my family caries the alcoholic gene. Neather of my parents drink, so I guess it must be recesive. A whole bunch of us (a small bunch but still a bunch) are going into the city on Monday for a total freakout. Or, if we don't feel like freekin', we'll just go shoping. Freekin' is all well and good but it doesn't achieve much. I think I'll sign out now. Laters.

October 26, 2005

Next stop, Broadway

Nothing lasts forever, not even cold November rain... Oh my fucking God, I just got home from the Arts Center after the grande proformance of the Joe Christiensen Experioment. I am way to hyped to sleep. I was magerly stressing out. Magerly. The worst part is, This is exactly what I want to do with my life, writeing and directing, and I know it's not going to get any less stressful. Still, got to love it. Okay, about the actual play. All the actors did really well, even if they did forget the occational page of script. They all recovered and that's the most important thing. The techs did good to, Charlie and Scott know what they're doing. Scott played some of the music out of order, and put on Somebody Told Me just before the November Rain scene, but I think I can forgive him. The thing is, when I was back stage going mad I was like "thins is terrable, we're all going to die, I completely stuffed this up", then all of these people were comeing up to me and saying that it made them cry and stuff and that I have to keep writeing no matter what and I went really red but I was wearing stage makeup so it's all good. Man that was a long sentance. I'm operating without sleep right now. I've decided to publish the JCexp script somewhere, possably on 2000 untrue statements. Or make another blog for it. Or something. Anyway, look out for that. I should probebly get some sleep now before I die of exort... exsort... ex.. tiredness. Bie.

October 23, 2005

3 more days

That's right folks, 3 days and four hours untill The curtains open on JCexp. The good news is, I have a full cast. Two of the actors haven't done the November Rain scene yet, but hopefully everything will be alright. Hopefully. I think of all the scenes by the songs playing in them. There were some dramas in the prop-making department, (aka, Aimless and crazzyness) but we should be able to recover from that if we can find more cardboard. If not then we may have to go for accuracy over emotisity. Is that a real word? Ow well, is now. I'm working on my bio assignment right now. It's on drugs in sport, and has taught me that cyclists are doped up to their ears. I went to the battle of the band last night, it was fun as. I managed to get over the caring what other people think of me thing quite early and just went psycho. The bands were all really good, even the puccusions which really got the crowd going. Out of the headliner I liked Wishful Thinking best, and after they had finished playing we went and talked to the lead singer. His name was Carl, I think. Something like that anyway. The one thing I'll probably remember the most about it was the square dancing. One that note, I should probably get back to the doped up cyclists. Later.

October 13, 2005

me bad

I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've just been buisy with school and my birthday (I'm 16 rar rar) and with JC exp. Speeking of JC, aaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh. I still need at least one more actor, I say at least one caz one could pull out at any minute. But there arn't any more actors that I can find. I would try and play one of the parts myself if they wern't male parts. Who would want to be a director? Me thats who, suicidal me. Dragons doing maths in the library, I'm halfhelping him and half makeing smart-arsed coments.
Okay, that was then, this is now. I'm not in the library anymore, I'm in Biology and learning about dopeing in sport. But I still need another actor! I'm willing to take anyone at this stage. As long as their guys. And have a minimal level of acting ability. I have no idea how we are going to be ready in just over two weeks. I don't think any of the actors know there lines. They all have good reasons so it's all fare enough but still, SHIT! I should probebly do more Bio now.

October 05, 2005

it's me again

Well when you think about it, who else would it be? But hell I'm not goo with titles. Anyway, I've got ticket information about my play, The Joe Christiensen Experioment. Tickets cost $8 each. It's the people in the plays responsability to sell them apparently. I think the exec. producer (aka, Shaw) will give me some to distribute soon, I personly think it would be easyest to cell them @ the door, and I'll try to arange that. (after all, it's not like our wittle amature production is going to sell out.) Some internet people have said they want to come, if your still interested any ideas on how I can get the tickets to you? I have the final date, Wendsay the 26th of October. Though judging by todays rehersal I don't know if we'll be ready. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that 4 weeks is a long time, it isn't. arrrrrrrgggggghhhhh.
Well, anyway, back @ school. The schools pretty somber right now, as it tends to be after a teacher has died. I've got an orral tomorow. I've written it so it's all good. We're starting archeteture in VisComm. I predict I will crash and burn on this one. Theretically I should be good @ this kind of stuff, coz I have a maths brain and like designing stuff, but everything I come up with looks really ugly. Wo is me, I am not going to be an archetect. I somehow don't think I'll become a great play write eather.