Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

August 26, 2005

40 hour famine.

It's hour 24 in the 40 hour famine. Only 36 to go. I'm a little hungry but not much. I'm a bit dizzy but it's not that bad right now. I don't know what I'm going to be like at hockey tomorrow, but hay I've played in the mental fog before. The trick is to watch the ball, even if it's the only thing you can see, and concentrate really hard on not falling over. Will power is an amazing thing. I finally got around to copying my Arts in August photos off my camera, but there on my laptop and I'm working on my desktop right now so they will have to wait longer till I can be bothered moving them. I taught myself how to play mindsweeper! I finished the intimidate game, got on the score board and what do I see? The high score on the advanced game thing proudly declaring that "Brie is cool". Where it got this ridiculous notion I can't tell, but I fear that it may have been pavercely influenced by a certain penguin. Call it a hunch. My Dad has been telling me to learn minesweeper for years, apparently I've got the right kind of brain for it. Or something. I think I'll make pretzels tomorrow. Pretzel are great for breaking famines.

Zebe in year 7. looking small.

August 20, 2005

Stupid fucking flu.

Well, normally I would be playing hockey at this time. Their are a couple of reasons why I'm not. Firstly, I have the flu and can't breath properly. This is a big hindrance in a sport where you rarely stop running. Secondly, last week I got hit on the back of the head with the ball. The bump isn't really visible coz my hairs kind of curly, but it still hurts like shit. I've been having headaches all week. I very rarely make it through a game without some kind of injury, the only question is the size. This seems to be a really strange thing to notice right now, but I've become really good at typing. I can now officially type with my eyes closed. And really fast to. I'm just remembering back to when I was in year 7 when it would take me ages to type something up because I would have to search for every key. I was already better then some other kids then to. A few years on and even though I don't know where all the keys are my fingers do. On the other hand, my handwriting has gone downhill major in that time. It's reached the point of almost complete illegibility. But that's okay coz you don't handwriting on the internet. That was an odd train of thought. The frazing on this post has been shocking. Never mind.

August 16, 2005

Unchy Munchy

There's this clapping chant called unchy munchy that we used to do in the latter years of my primary school, but nobody else has heard of. I suspect that one of the teachers made it up. I really like it, and in order to share it with the world (cough cough) I will post the words to it here.

Unchy munchy, I’ve got a hunchy,

It’s time to sign and fight for your country.

Hear the man talking on the radio,

Get on the boats ya got far to go,

Bullets are flying, people are dieing,

And back home their wives are crying.

Anda, manda, properganda,

Spread around veranda to veranda.

No moward, loward,

No white feather coward,

Give him a gun he’s been empowered.

See the tanks rolling into town,

See the people being gunned down,

See the bodies on the ground,
jump in the river and pretend you've drowned.

See the plains flying in the sky,

Say your preyers your gonna die.

Mender, fender,

We serenader,

We can no longer be defender.

Hear the elation, across the nation,

There’s gonna be a celebration,

The old folks say never again,

But we know it’s gonna be the same

When, unchy munchy,

I’ve got a hunchy,

It’s time to sign and fight for your country.

chearful I know.

August 15, 2005

You better shape up, coz I need a man, who will keep me satisfied.

Your the one that I want... And so on. I have that song in my head and it's all aimless fault. I went to her party on Saturday, and we did Grease karioke. We all dressed up in different costumes (I was a witch) and stood around listening to Queen. Then, we watched this MTV thing. Then, we did the karioke. then, we watched Aladdin. Then we had cake. This all sounds really innocent, as a no alcohol party for the sweet sixteenth should be. Poor ignorant fools. Something which I found funny was this: the guy dressed as a soldier gave Aimless a dildo as a present. I just wonder if he brought it himself or not.

here I break my own rules. this is us @ Cuba. try and guess who is who. (I'm not in it- I took the photo)

August 12, 2005

In bio

I'm in Biology right now and I really should be resurching the genetic properties of Alzheimer's disease. I'm not though. I'm doing blog stuff. Never mind. Did anyone see the front cover of the AGE on thursday? (yesterday) There was this photo of Currembarra (or however it's spelt) after the snow. It was like totally white. The streets, the houses, the hills, everything was just covered in snow. It was amazeing. It totally didn't look like Gippsland. It looked like nothing in Australia below the high altatudes. The skid marks on the road made it very clear that the local traffic was not used to driveing in snow. I need to write a personal essay this weekend for my application for this scholoship thing. A mate of mine is also going for it, so we are in direct compatition! I don't think that will be to much of a problem as I don't think either of us wont it to bad. But hay, this things worth like $38,000US. We had the arts assembally today, it all went good and I got lots of photos, which I'll post once I load them off my camera.

August 10, 2005

O my God it snowed!!!!!

SNOW!!!! snowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnowsnow
snowsnowsnowsnowSNOW!Did I mention snow?! This is lunchtime at school, and during last period, it snowed. At this altatude. The cold hole of Warragul finally had snow, it's been 10 years since it last snowed but the drout is broken! I missed the snow last time and I have never actually seen it before so I'm fucking thrilled. You should feel the atmisphere here. It may be freezing but everyone is so excitted! My Maths teacher wouldn't let us outside during the minute or so where it was actually snowing, so he is now officially evil. First it rained, then it hailed, then it sleeted, then it hailed more, then it sleeted again, THEN IT SNOWED for a bit, then it sleeted again, then it hailed again and finally now it's just raining. But there was snow. That's real genuine southen hemasphere snow. It was so beutiful. A bunch of people made snow balls and throw them in the corridor. All these teachers were telling us to keep out of it and it's like no fucking way, heaps of these kids have never seen snow before, and it snowed. Panda says it's not real snow, but I think it's just that Russian snow is better then Australian snow. But hay, this is as good as it's going to get. What with global warming and all. Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps. Snow

August 09, 2005

Odd meetings

I had a strange experiance yesterday. During Tutor group, the YLC Mr Icepolestick came in and told a group of people, me included that we needed to come to a very omportante meeting at recess. Noboddy knew what it was about, and noboddy would tell us. I went to the meeting, nobody in the room had anything in common so you couldn't guess what it was all about. Mr Icepolestick told us that we were the "chosern ones", the elite group selected to be the school's nomanees for a scoloship program in the US. My first thoughts of course were, "what the fuck am I doing here?" but I'm not going to say no to a fucking scholoship, evern the remote chance of getting one. Catch is, the year of school in America meens absulutly zip in terms of my VCE, so if I did get "chossern" I would come back to Australia after a year and have to repeat year 11. Eather that or drop out of school. What do you think I should do?

August 05, 2005

Before school

It's 7:35 in the morning, I'm ready for school but I don't have to leave until 8:20. So, hear I am, killing time updating my blog. First checked my e-mails, but I didn't get any new messages which I find really sad for some reason. The drama festival is here again, I've half written a play which people could love or they could hate or it could not get through the sensor. The one I wrote last year needed a lot of tweaking before it properly "upheld the Christian values of the school." I had to change holding a seance to contact ghosts to meetings with angels in dreams. I think it was fucking stupid coz the fucking play was fucking fiction! Not that I'm still bitter about it. My computers are better now, though my laptop keeps trying to connect to the internet on it's own accord when it's not plugged in. I try to tell it that it's not smart enough to have wireless but you think it listens? Okay, that ate up some time.

It's okay about this one, it's not my car.