Davies' Lounge.

On the eastern underside of the world is an oddly shaped nolvety island. On that island is me, the left-wing, rock addicted, pollitically motivated, film loveing bad speller. And this is my blog.

July 31, 2005


This may be the last post for a while, I am experiencing a few technical difficulties. My laptop is sending very strong "I'm Dead" messages to me and it may have a broken harddrive. Hopefully it will recover and live again. There is also something wrong with the internet connection on the desk top, I can only hope this post makes it to the information country lane safe and sound. In relation to my last post, please give generously and help feed hungry children.

Now for yet another irrelevant photo

July 29, 2005


I am doing the 40 hour famine this year and it is now possible to sponsor someone over the internet. Therefore I am now giving an impassioned plea to all those who visit my blog to please go to 40hourfamine.com and follow the prompts to sponsor me and give to this wonderful cause. My famine book number is 25156934-9. If you make a large donation, your warm and fuzzy feeling will be arriving shortly in the mail. In closing, please! Do it for the kids.

July 28, 2005

English comunity

to any of my english class who followed my link that I left on our comunity page, welcome to Davies lounge. You all know that my name isn't really Jill Davies, please don't put on my real name as I have an unjustified fear of web stalkers.

July 27, 2005

Don't you just love chemistry classes. I'm sitting in one now and I really should be doing work. We need to make a brochure for an interactive periodic table sight. I'm sitting next to the dragon commit that's trying to get his blog to work. I don't know what he's done wrong but it must have been something. He's making a new one now, Tidus 13. I hope he gets it to work so he can come and post on my blog. This room has dead animal bones hanging on the walls. If they were live animal bones it would be more creepy. Looking around the room, it's amazing how many people are updating there blogs. @ least I wont be the only one who's not doing work. Well this was a pointless post. What do you expect from chemistry. Here's another usless picture that I took.

July 24, 2005

I feel like shit.

well there you have it folkes, man kind has descovered endless uses for nuclea energy but hasn't cured the common cold. If you wont proof of this, I present myself as exsibit A. I feel like shit, as the title no doubt indicates. If this thing had audio insted of this slightly broken keyboared, you would hear me talking like I have a frog inserted behind my tonsols. I've really over eaten today as well, which is something which tends to happen when ya sick, either that or ya eat nothing. I'd rather the latter but never mind. school tomoro, fuck! I haven't done any homework this weekend. I've been to buisy being a blog of inactivity. On the slightly brighter but still pretty down side I played hockey yesterday and lost 7-nill. I got hit in the rist and my whatch broke. Now I know why we are suppost to take them off before we go on field. I felt okay yesterday, it's only today that I've gotten sick. I'm going to try that picture thing, bet you it doesn't work though.
there! it's a wheel.

July 23, 2005


I have achieved a great personal victory. My humble blog now has a humble links collum, which I very humbley created. This is not the complete links list, just the part of it that I can be bothered doing right now. If you are someone who I left off right now, please feel free to post and express your outrage. I wont mind.

July 20, 2005

Am i ever slack

Okay, I haven't posted in over a week. I know I'm slack. I just haven't gotten around it. To all of my loyal readers (cough) I sincerely beg your forgiveness. Now back to my very interesting life. I had a career potential evaluation with the school, and I'm going to post the results. I'm a Artistic, investigative, Social person and the jobs I should enjoy include psychologist, art teacher, musician, photographer and scientific illustrating. Well. It is very clear that this evaluation contains no measure of ability. I could probably handle being a psychologist, (@ least I have no reason to think I should be able to) I don't think I'm strange enough to be an art teacher, I love music but couldn't sing or play to save my life, I will never be more then a hobby photographer, (My pictures just aren't that good) and I can honestly say that scientific illustrated never occurred to me. I scored really high in the leadership catagries which really suprised me. I've never seen myself as much of a leader. I'm more of a slightly rebeliouse follower. Hay, I'm going to see if I can change the text colour! (Now thats breaking the mold)

July 13, 2005

Non try

@ this current moment in time (2:44 PM Wednesday EST) I am sitting in the classroom designated for the people who are not trialing for a GIS sport team. GIS stands for Gippsland independent Schools for those who are uneducated in these matters. In this room are those who are uninterested in sport, those who lack the abilities, those who consider there school work to important and of course a smattering of those who just can't be stuffed. I considered trieing out for the hockey team, but my love of hockey doesn't compensate for my hatred of the GIS teams, there structure and the people who are in them. I'm sitting next to craziness and aimless who are looking at photos from there Japanese trip, I wish I had gone to. Now they are on the blog circuit to. Human being have now mastered the subtal art of sitting half a meter away from someone and talking to them over the internet. Craz-y and Panda are in other non-trying out rooms, a great symbol that we are all spectators. Hows that song go?
"We are the spectators, my friend, and we'll keep on whatching to the end. We are the spectators, we are the spectators, no time for players coz we are the spectators, of the world."

July 12, 2005

back to school and big knives

There's nothing like the first day of a new semester to get everyone really excited at the begining of the day and wishing it was still the holodays by the end. It was neat to see all my friends again after four weeks, but it sucks that I have hardly any classes with them. I guess I'll have to concentrate on my work. The sport team triels are tommorow, I'll trial for hockey if I feel like it @ the time. This evening while I was cutting up potatoes for dinner I had what can best be described as a big knife moment. I suddenly realised that I was holding a really big shape knife that with the right timeing and application of strength could inflict a great emount of damage on a person. I held it up for a fiew moments with an evil grin on my face and resisted the urge to give an evil laugh, then visiously sliced the rest of the potatoes. I had another of these moments later when I was craving the roast beef. Something about the sound of the electric carving knife awakened the serial killer withing and my sister suddenly desided that this was not the time to complain that I had been singing Grinspoon songs all afternoon. Do you ever have big knife moments? Prehaps while holding chainsaws? When haveing one of these moments it's probebly best for sastaining prosparity to take it out on the potatoes.

July 09, 2005

Just life.

My report on the London Bombings will wait until the forensic report is compiled. Sorry Craz_y.

This post is just about my life. After a two week break the field hockey season is back under way, and today my team had it's most successful game this season. We scored a whole 4 goals while restricting the opposition to a measly 6. I very proudly after only haveing played for six years scored my first goal. In my defence, I played a great deal of those six years on the backline. It was raining so the grass field was pretty muddy and churned up, I wouldn't have liked to play later in the day after another fiew games had been played. School start again on Tuesday. It will be good coz I can talk to my mates again apart from on the internet, and I'm not doing anything I hate this semester. Haveing recieved a C for my first ever VCE exam, I am hopeing to improve. I don't want to talk about the football and my mind is falling asleep so over and out.

July 08, 2005

Bitching about my !@#$%^&* eyes.

You know what hurts? Vision exercises. I have to do this thing every day where I use these flipy lens things to adjust my focus. If I do this, I may be able to avoid having to use reading glasses for the rest of my life. But I tell you, it hurts like fuck else. (else, one l) Reading while looking through lenses doesn't sound like it would hurt but it does. The worst part is, I can't do it properly. Anyway, I have to do it for another five weeks. That's probably enough bitching for one post. But bitching does have it's advantages. Bitching for an entire post means that I can put off talking about the attacks in London until I know all the facts. I hate making official statements when I'm uninformed. Expect a post about them in the next week.

July 06, 2005


I'm supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
I am never s'posed to show it, my crew ain't s'posed to know it,
Even if it means goin' toe to toe wi...

...And so on. There's something about music that makes it special. It's the way that you can relate to it so well even when it was written for and about a totaly different situation. Quite often when you really love a song, really love it, it's because it says something to you that it doesn't say to other people. I was just in a situation where I was mad. I was pissed and I wanted to screem out what I was thinking cos I wasn't just angry I was hurt. But I said nothing about what was inside, I never raised my voice, I kept my face as calm and normal as I could and tried my best to look at the situation abjectively so as to properly analise it. Then I thought of that song, Toy soliers, and those first fiew lines and I realised how often I do that. I think people have come to expect that of me, that I stay completely calm and objective and rearly lose my temper. The soldier that never loses my composier. Maybe I should give up my silver screen dreams and become a hostage nogotiator. The strange thing is that after I thought about that song it was easier to handle myself. It really did help me to hold my expression and not to break down. I ran through the lines in my head and thought about them in relation to me. That song has nothing to do with me or my life really, it's issues are on the other side of the world, but it still speaks to me as strongly as if it was written for me in this situation. A lot of music does that for me. For every moment, every feeling, every place and every person that we might encounter there is a song to match. It's not just the lirecs, it's everything from the rythim to the base. Music does more then match your mood to, it can change it. A change of pace can altor a heart beat, a solo can quicken the pulse, songs can move you from high to low and back again, all you need to do is open up to them. Sometimes a song says the same thing to a lot of people, touches them all deeply and takes them all with it. Thats one of the beutifuly intoxicating things about being in a mosh pit, everyone around you is being afected by the music the same way. I hate boy bands because I feel that they are an insult to real music. Real music isn't manafactured, it's delivered so that every bar is a vindication of the artist. songs are special things that do special things to us, and they are my saveing grace intill heart to heart we all fall down.

Like toy soldiers.

July 04, 2005

Ear worms.

Does anyone remember Scandalus? They were the second popstars group, they had some minor success with there first single to make the show look good, but after that they sunk without a trace. Essentially that's because they were terrible. The last thing I heard from them was there appearance on John Saffron's Music jamboree when they sung "there is power in the union" to stand up for popstars rights. I have there first single, the unbelievably bad, me myself and I stuck in my head and it's driving me CRAZY! It's a terrible song, worse then the crap they give them for Idol. ARRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. Damn you Scandalus and the corporation that owns you! On a totally unrelated note, I watched Live 8 last night and it was pretty good. I hope it does something, but I cynically believe that it was a great show but will change nothing. I also watched a doco on SBS where they built one of Da Vinci's flying machines and it worked. Did anyone else see that? How many l's are there in else? To conclude, Scanadlus are pawns of a heartless television empire that drained them dry and left them to die on the battlefield, Live 8 is good music but wont save the world, Da Vinci was smart, I can't spell else.

July 02, 2005

More about nothing.

Next post I make is going to be about something, I swear. Even if it's something I pull at random out of the paper or something. This post is still about the last 24 hours of my rather mundane life. Today, I made Indian Potato Naan. It turned out pretty well, not to spicy but still enough flavor. Next time I think I'll add moor chilly though. Hay, I just noticed this thing has a spell checker. Neat. My sister taped the paper back together. It was a symbolic action more then anything else. I hate the word else, I always spell it wrong for some reason. I know I spelt it right there coz I looked it up. By for now, I will have a topic tomorow.

July 01, 2005

material cat.

My cat is sitting on the moneter of my desktop. She does that a lot, and every time I chuck her off she just sits back on agian. Apart from humans cats are the creatures that have utalised technolergy the most. If a dog sees a computor, they see a box. If a cat sees a computor, they see a keyboard to lie on, a moneter to sit on, a mouse to chase and an oportunity to get a lot of attention. Cats are smart in that way. I did nothing today. I didn't even go on my morning jog because of the rain. (And coz I slept in.) My sister got angry at something in the paper yesterday so now I can't read to paper coz it's in lots of pieces. She's sappost to tape it back together but she hasn't. I hope she doesn't reed this, she could get angry at me. I heard it on the grapevine (or the blogvine) that penguin and crazzyness are back from Japan. Welcome back to Oz guys, I'm pretty sure it's still the same shape as when you left.